Young Urban Farmers

Chris is the co-founder and general manager of Young Urban Farmers. Young Urban Farmers builds, maintains, and helps people with their edible garden across Toronto and the GTA. The online store ships products across Canada.





The Growing Connection

Chris is a partner in The Growing Connection. The Growing Connection has brought Caja to Canada. Caja is a sub-irrigated, portable growing container that makes it easy to grow all types of vegetables with up to less water, less fertilizer, and less labour than traditional gardening methods. Look for Caja in garden centers, retail stores, and online.






Chris is the owner of the Fungaea brand of products. Fungaea produces indoor grow-at-home mushroom kits and sprouting kits focuses on urban farming available on a micro scale on your kitchen counter.





Cultivate Toronto

Chris is a co-founder of the non-profit organization Cultivate Toronto. Cultivate Toronto runs an urban CSA (Community Shared Agriculture) program using backyards and rooftops in Toronto, primarily in the East York and Regent Park neighbourhoods.





Previous Engagements

Chris has been a member of the Toronto Food Policy Council and a founding member of the Global Shapers Toronto hub. Chris and his work has been featured in The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, Toronto Life, CBC Radio’s Metro Morning, the World Economic Forum blog, Global Toronto’s News Hour, as well as CBC TV’s The National.

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